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zh-cn:设置 API


设置 API是在 2.7 版本中加入的新功能。它令包含设置表单的管理页面实现“半自动工作”,允许您定义整个管理页面、选项区域,甚至具体的栏目。


组织设置栏目的注册和验证,仍需开发者在设置 API 的框架下进行一些工作,但避免付出大量精力用于调试设置选项的管理。

请注意:在使用设置 API 时,表单应发送 POST 请求到 options.php。但 options.php 拥有较严格的权限管理机制,因此用户需要“manage_options”权限(相应地,在多站点的站点中,则需超级管理员权限)才可提交表单并得到处理。

函数的代码位于 wp-admin/includes/plugin.phpwp-admin/includes/template.php




You can add new settings fields (basically, an option for wp_options database table but totally managed for you) to the existing WordPress pages using this function. Your callback function just needs to output the appropriate html input and fill it with the old value, the saving will be done behind the scenes. You can create your own sections on existing pages using add_settings_section() as described below.

NOTE: You MUST register any options you use with add_settings_field() or they won't be saved and updated automatically. See below for details and an example.

add_settings_field($id, $title, $callback, $page, $section = 'default', $args = array())
  • $id - String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
  • $title - Title of the field.
  • $callback - Function that fills the field with the desired inputs as part of the larger form. Name and id of the input should match the $id given to this function. The function should echo its output.
  • $page - The type of settings page on which to show the field (general, reading, writing, ...).
  • $section - The section of the settings page in which to show the box (default or a section you added with add_settings_section, look at the page in the source to see what the existing ones are.)
  • $args - Additional arguments


Settings Sections are the groups of settings you see on WordPress settings pages with a shared heading. In your plugin you can add new sections to existing settings pages rather than creating a whole new page. This makes your plugin simpler to maintain and creates less new pages for users to learn. You just tell them to change your setting on the relevant existing page.

add_settings_section($id, $title, $callback, $page)
  • $id - String for use in the 'id' attribute of tags.
  • $title - Title of the section.
  • $callback - Function that fills the section with the desired content. The function should echo its output.
  • $page - The type of settings page on which to show the section (general, reading, writing, media etc.)


register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback )
unregister_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $sanitize_callback )


To display the hidden fields and handle security of your options form, the Settings API provides the settings_fields() function.

  • $option_group - unique group name for option set.



 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // 请在 admin_init 的过程中添加您的所有设置区域、栏目和设置
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 function eg_settings_api_init() {
 	// 将这个区域插入到“阅读选项”
 	// 以便我们插入自定义的栏目
 	// 添加设置栏目,并指定它的名字以及需要调用的回调函数
 	// 然后将其插入到我们刚刚创建的区域中
 	// 注册刚刚的设置,使 WordPress 为我们完成 $_POST 的处理工作
 	// 您的刚刚注册的回调函数则只需要完成 <input> 标签的输出工作
 }// eg_settings_api_init()
 add_action('admin_init', 'eg_settings_api_init');
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // 设置区域回调函数
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // 要添加新的区域,则需要这个函数。它将在区域开始的时候被调用。
 function eg_setting_section_callback_function() {
 	echo '<p>设置区域的介绍文字</p>';
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // 样例选项的回调函数
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // 创建一个 checkbox 复选框 true/false 选项,当然您也可以选用其它类型
 function eg_setting_callback_function() {
 	echo '<input name="eg_setting_name" id="gv_thumbnails_insert_into_excerpt" type="checkbox" value="1" class="code" ' . checked( 1, get_option('eg_setting_name'), false ) . ' /> 说明文字';


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