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В ноябре 2011 года будет опубликован WordPress (Версия 3.3), названный Ххххх.
Для получения информации об улучшениях и закрытых баг-фиксах читайте WordPress Blog и Changelog for 3.3.
Версия 3.3 будет добавлена в Trac, также переменная версии базы данных (db_version в wp_options) будет изменена на Хxxxx.
Основные изменения
- Новый загрузчик файлов(Plupload)
- Экран приветствия после установки и обновления.
- Динамическое отображение админ-панели на устройствах с различными размерами экрана.
- Улучшенная панель инструментов (бывшая админ-панель).
- Улучшен Metadata API
- Улучшен Settings API
- Улучшен Editor API
- Реализация языковых пакетов для ядра, плагинов и тем.
- Улучшена производительность.
- Объединены многие css файлы админ-панели.
- Улучшена Помощь/Экран/Настройки
User Features
- Админ-панель оформлена в соответствии со стандартом HTML5 (#18202)
- Отображение панели инструментов по умолчанию (#17899)
- Drag and drop мультифайловая загрузка (кроме старых IE)
- Выбор между выпадающим и всплывающим админ-меню
- Поддержка WebMatrix
- Улучшена cron блокировка; блокируются многочисленные повторные события
- Добавлены указатели функций, и указатель на панель инструментов
- Введена вкладка помощи и WP_Screen
- Виджет комментариев сворачивается правильно
- When inserting a Gallery to be ordered by Date/Time use the post_date field for ordering rather than ID
- Rename 'Post Tags' to 'Tags'
- Make DFW content width match exactly the reported width from the theme
- Improve the image drag-resize detection in the visual editor (supported in FF and IE only), remove the size-* class if the image is soft-resized
- Add TinyMCE command to handle opening of the upload/insert popup, fix the shortcut "Alt+Shift+M", fix the "image" button in DFW
- Allow Apostrophes in Post Passwords
- Add post formats to quick edit and bulk edit
- Hide post title field in DFW if title is not supported by the current post type or missing
- Clean up remnants from having negative Post_ID
- Merge media buttons into one
- Add the styling for "drop area" to Media->Add New
- Add support for rar and 7z file uploading
- Use WP_Editor when editing or replying to comments
- Use 'View Post' instead of '#' for view post links in comment rows
- Use the Settings fields/sections API in Twenty Eleven
- Load all Parent theme stylesheets before Child theme stylesheets in the TinyMCE Editor
- Clean up Plugin/Theme uploads after successfully installing them
- Improved Theme upload and validation
- Avoid losing widgets when switching themes
- Use get_template_part() in get_header(), get_sidebar(), get_footer()
- Make Distraction Free Writing content width match exactly the reported width from the theme
- Allow current_theme_supports() to be used to check for specific post formats
- Improved Menus
- Contextual help for Twenty Eleven theme options page
- Improved Plugin upload and validation
- Stop remembering the last viewed plugins screen; always show all plugins when returning to plugins.php
- Add the Tumblr importer to the Importers List
- Add wxr_export_skip_postmeta filter for skipping postmeta in exports
- Add postname to Settings > Permalinks and remove the help text talking about permalink performance; make the slugs (and /archives/ rewrite base) translatable
- Clarify Settings > Privacy
- Use title case in Settings > General
- Disallow indexing wp-admin and wp-includes in robots.txt
Install Process
- Allow creating sites with IDN domains
- Move network/settings.php POST handling out of network/edit.php
- Dissolve wp-admin/network/edit.php
- Add 'Network Enable' link after installing a theme in the network admin
- Use update_blog_details() in wpmu_update_blogs_date()
- Change Network Settings to just Settings
- Implement bulk update for network/themes.php
- Fix inviting existing users to a site with email confirmation
- Check for plugin/theme updates every hour when hitting update-core.php, not just themes.php/plugins.php
Development, Themes, Plugins
- Abstract word-trimming from wp_trim_excerpt() into wp_trim_words()
- Add wp_unique_post_slug filter
- Add _doing_it_wrong() when a plugin or theme accesses $wp_scripts or $wp_styles too early (also fixes localization)
- Add a filter to is_multi_author()
- Add a general filter to wp_unique_post_slug to allow for full customisation of the uniqueness functionality
- Add filter for the args into wp_dropdown_pages() in the page attributes box; give the list_pages filter the context of the post object
- Add filter so the users can select custom image sizes added by themes and plugin
- Add filters for install/upgrade queries, so that unit tests installer can force creating InnoDB tables, so that we can use transactions to revert the database to its initial state after each test
- Add inflation support for in WP_Http_Encoding::compatible_gzinflate()
- Add magic get/set/isset methods to WP_User to avoid data duplication; standardize on WP_User::ID
- Add pre_ent2ncr filter
- add_site_option should not update existing options, should return a boolean and should only run actions on success
- Allow get_blog_option(null,...) to hit the cache for the current blog; new return values for add_blog_option, update_blog_option, delete_blog_option; don't set the cache in those functions if add/update/delete_option failed
- Allow 'id' to work in get_bookmarks(); add link_notes even though such sorting is a bad idea
- Allow sorting by id in get_bookmarks()
- Allow the text parameter in wp_trim_excerpt() to be omitted altogether, instead of requiring a blank string
- Automatically set 'compare' => 'IN' in WP_Meta_Query::get_sql() when the meta value is an array
- Change month dropdown display in date pickers to include month number
- Completely remove wp_add_script_data()
- Consolidate update count code into wp_get_update_data()
- Count only published posts when updating term counts; fire term count updates on transition_post_status
- Deprecate favorite_actions()
- Deprecate favorite_actions(), add_contextual_help(), add_screen_option(), move meta_box_prefs() and get_screen_icon() in WP_Screen
- Deprecate get_userdatabylogin()and get_user_by_email()
- Deprecate media_upload_(image|audio|video|file)(), type_url_form_(image|audio|video|file)(); these now wrap wp_media_upload_handler() and wp_media_insert_url_form()
- Deprecate RSS 0.92 and RDF feeds, and 301 them to the default feed
- Deprecate screen_options(), screen_layout(), screen_meta()
- Deprecate wpmu_admin_redirect_add_updated_param() and wpmu_admin_do_redirect()
- Eliminate verbose rewrite rules for ambiguous rewrite structures, resulting in massive performance gains
- Fix back compat issues with delete_postmeta and deleted_postmeta actions as these should be passed the meta ID
- Fix QTags.closeAllTags(), replace 'tb' with 'ed' in quicktags,js to make it clear it is the editor instance not the toolbar, small comments quick edit fixes
- Fix typos in documentation
- Fix wp_update_user() so it doesn't stomp meta fields
- Force display_errors to off when WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY == false; technically a backwards incompatible change so if you want the passthrough to php.ini (which false used to provide) then use WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY === null
- Harden up is_user_logged_in() against empty $current_user instances to prevent PHP Notices on XML-RPC requests
- Have dbDelta() loop through tables it knows about, rather than loop through a potentially expensive and definitely unnecessary SHOW TABLES
- Improve _wp_menu_output()
- Improve the parsing of email addresses in wp_mail to re-support RFC2822 nameless "<address@…>" style
- Instantiate some MS variables as objects before using them
- Introduce ->mysql to allow drop-ins to declare themselves as MySQL and therefore allow minimum version checks to still apply
- Introduce is_main_query() that compares the query object against $wp_the_query
- Introduce metadata_exists(), WP_User::get_data_by(), WP_User::get(), WP_User::has_prop(). Don't fill user objects with meta
- Introduce new hooks, registered_post_type for register_post_type, and registered_taxonomy for register_taxonomy
- Introduce register_meta(), get_metadata_by_mid(), and *_post_meta capabilities
- Introduce wp_allowed_protocols() for use in wp_kses() and esc_url()
- Introduce wp_cache_incr() and wp_cache_decr()
- Introduce WP_Dependencies::get_data() method, change scripts and styles priority to follow the "natural" order in HTML, i.e. the last one wins
- Introduce wp_get_db_schema() for retrieving various flavors of db schema; eliminates need to use global; allows multiple calls to wpmu_create_blog()
- Introduce wp_suspend_cache_addition() to allow reduced memory usage when cache additions aren't useful
- Make check_theme_switched() run an action so plugins and themes authors can avoid losing widgets when switching themes
- Optimise get_term to not query for term_id = 0 and improve the prepared query to use %d for the term_id
- Optimize parse_request for the home page
- Performance improvement for wp_list_pluck()
- Properly handle display of Order, Template, and Parent page attributes in Quick/Bulk Edit
- Properly handle nested arrays in wp_list_filter()
- Recognize urls that start with a question mark as relative urls that do not require a scheme to be prepended
- Refactor Quicktags
- Remove return by ref from get_role()
- Remove support for <link rel=start>, end, up, and index. These rel="" values have been dropped by the HTML Working Group
- Remove the old root feed files, but don't add these files to old_files to leave them on existing installs
- Require show_ui rather than public for a taxonomy's parent post type
- Rework get_hidden_meta_boxes() to leverage a full WP_Screen object; prevents custom post types from having their explicity supported meta boxes being hidden by default
- Set up the post global variable in the comment feed loops so that any calls to post related template tags work correctly
- Store screen help and options as static data against WP_Screen; individual screen objects no longer hold data it can't re-generate on construction or otherwise fetch; convert_to_screen() now returns a WP_Screen object; various globals are gone; introduces WP_Screen::get_option(); allows for a formal factory to be introduced later
- Support an array or comma-seperated list of excluded category IDs in get_adjacent_post()
- Support for using wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() in the HTML body; all scripts and styles are added in the footer
- Sync pomo library with the current GlotPress version
- Turn delete_meta() , get_post_meta_by_id(), update_meta(), delete_post_meta_by_key() into wrappers around the metadata API; add back compat *_postmeta actions to metadata API
- Turn is_blog_user() into a convenience wrapper around get_blogs_of_user(); fixes is_blog_user() for blog prefixes that do not contain a blog ID
- Update blog last_updated time only on publish_post; both private_to_published and publish_phone are overly broad and otherwise redundant
- Update jQuery to 1.7
- Update jQuery UI to 1.8.16
- Update plupload to
- Update quicktags.js (HTML editor)
- Update TinyMCE to 3.4.5
- Use add_option() method, introduce add_option_context() method for adding specific text above the screen options
- Use get_template_directory() instead of TEMPLATEPATH in Twentys Ten and Eleven
- Use json_encode() for adding script data (formerly l10n); add the same functionality to WP_Styles for adding inline css after a stylesheet has been outputted
- Use wp_print_scripts() in install.php
- Various PHPdoc updates including: for all_items, menu_name, WP_List_Table::views(), cache.php, get_option(), wpdb::prepare(), get_template_part(), esc_url(), get_meta_sql(), WP_Screen, WP_Http_Encoding::compatible_gzinflate(), zeroise(), wp_add_script_before(), wp_editor()
- WP_Filesystem_*::mkdir() untrailingslash path consistently, don't waste time attempting to create an "empty" path