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Category:Indexed pages


if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

   exit; // Exit if accessed directly


// External id, amount, customer id, currency $providerQueryParameterMap = [

   'paypal' => ["tx", "amt", null, "cc"],
   'moonclerk' => ["payment_id", "customer_id", "amount", null],
   'chargebee' => ["invoice_id", null, "sub_id", null],



* Tapfiliate shortcode function
* @param array $atts The atts
* @return string returns tracking snippet

function tapfiliate_shortcode($atts) {

   // Amount and currency query params take precedence over explicitely passed values,
   // so that those can act as defaults. Manually set query params take precedence over
   // provider query params (i.e. they override them.)
   $attributes = shortcode_atts(
           'amount' => null,
           'amount_query_param' => null,
           'commission_type' => "default",
           'coupons' => null,
           'currency' => null,
           'currency_query_param' => null,
           'customer_id' => null,
           'customer_id_query_param' => null,
           'customer_type' => null,
           'external_id_query_param' => null,
           'meta_data' => null,
           'provider' => null,
   $options = [];
   $is_customer_only = false;
   // Get "provider" query params
   if ($attributes['provider'] && isset($providerQueryParameterMap[$attributes['provider']])) {
       ) = $providerQueryParameterMap[$attributes['provider']];
   // Get manually defined query params
   $query_parameter_external_id = $attributes['external_id_query_param'];
   $query_parameter_conversion_amount = $attributes['amount_query_param'];
   $query_parameter_customer_id = $attributes['customer_id_query_param'];
   $query_parameter_currency = $attributes['currency_query_param'];
   $external_id = isset($_GET[$query_parameter_external_id]) ? $_GET[$query_parameter_external_id] : null;
   $customer_id = isset($_GET[$query_parameter_customer_id]) ? $_GET[$query_parameter_customer_id] : null;
   $amount = isset($_GET[$query_parameter_conversion_amount]) ? $_GET[$query_parameter_conversion_amount] : $attributes['amount'];
   $currency = isset($_GET[$query_parameter_currency]) ? $_GET[$query_parameter_currency] : $attributes['currency'];
   $external_id_arg = $external_id !== null ? "'$external_id'" : "null";
   $amount_arg = $amount !== null ? $amount : "null";
   if ($customer_id) {
       $options['customer_id'] = $customer_id;
   if ($coupons = $attributes['coupons']) {
       $options['coupons'] = $coupons;
   if ($currency) {
       $options['currency'] = $currency;
   if ($meta_data = $attributes['meta_data']) {
       // We allow multiple fields with meta_data="key1=value1&key2=value2"
       parse_str(str_replace("&", "&", $attributes['meta_data']), $meta_data);
       $options['meta_data'] = $meta_data;
   $customer_type = in_array($attributes['customer_type'], ['trial', 'lead', 'customer']) ? $attributes['customer_type'] : null;
   $is_customer_only = $customer_type !== null && $customer_id !== null;
   return tapfiliate_generate_inline_code(true, $is_customer_only, $customer_type, $external_id_arg, $amount_arg, $options, $attributes['commission_type'], [], "wordpress", true);


add_shortcode('tapfiliate', 'tapfiliate_shortcode');

function tapfiliate_render_wordpress_code() {

   $is_converting = false;
   $external_id_arg = null;
   $amount_arg = null;
   $options = [];
   $script = tapfiliate_generate_inline_code($is_converting, null, null, $external_id_arg, $amount_arg, $options, null, [], "wordpress", false);
   wp_add_inline_script("tapfiliate-js", $script);


This category currently contains no pages or media.