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To bring everyone up to date on this issue, it was suggested by Matt during this week's WordPress Meetup that the Codex begin plans to include "screencasts." For those new to this concept, it is like a "podcast" but basically an animated/video-like display of screen shots. An example would be installing WordPress. A link to the screencast would be on the Installing WordPress Codex article page, giving users a chance to read through the documentation and/or view the animated process of how to install WordPress.

We will need someone to coordinate this with the Codex. I've talked to a couple people about this and am awaiting their answer. We will also need volunteers to take on the fun of making such screencasts. There are a lot of decisions and information to gather, like which articles would best be suited to this, and how to coordinate this effort.

It's very exciting. Let's start making plans and begin to put this into effect.

If you would like to discuss this, click the Discussion Tab at the top and post your comments

Volunteers Wanted

Please sign up if you are interested in helping with this project. And if you have some expertise in the subject, please describe it.

  1. indranil 07:33, 7 Jul 2005 (UTC)
  2. netconcepts 25 Jan 2006
  3. Someone else?


  • Identify documents suited for screencasts.
  • Research software packages and programs best suited for screencasts on servers/Internet.
  • Make changes to MediaWiki settings to support upload of any new file types necessary for screencasts.
  • Assign specific "tasks" and documents to volunteers for production.
  • Determine how to add these screencasts to the documentation.
  • Promote this new addition to the Codex.

Articles for Screencasts

Please list below links to articles you feel would work best for featuring a screencast.

Style of Screencasts

There are two styles of screencast. One is primarily a capture of Powerpoint slides overlayed with audio commentary; the other is primarily a capture of a web browser with audio commentary. These two styles are quite different, as you can see from the following examples:

Which style is preferable? Powerpoint-style is a lot more time consuming to produce, particularly if you incorporate animation and screenshots into it. Web browser-style doesn't summarize key points for the viewer.