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Javascript Reference/wp.editor


`wp.editor` is used to manage custom rich text (TinyMCE) or QuickTags editors.

API Description

In order to use this API, you should enqueue the editor with PHP, like follow:


This will enqueue scripts & styles required by the editor.

The API contains following endpoints:


This function returns the default object that will be merged with specific configuration when initializing new editors.

If this property is null or undefined, please make sure you called wp_enqueue_editor(); from PHP.


This method will allow you to initialize a new editor. You can use it in JavaScript this way:

wp.editor.initialize( editorId, configObject );

The config object may contain following properties:

Property Type Default value Description
editorId string Id of the DOM element to use as base. It will be replaced with the editor
configObject object { tinymce: true } Configuration for the newly initialized editor
configObject.tinymce object|any true If a truthy value is passed, it enables TinyMCE in the new editor. This configuration object is merged with defaults; see below. For a complete list of options, see the " TinyMCE configuration documentation
configObject.quicktags object|any true If a truthy value is passed, it enables TinyMCE in the new editor. This configuration object is merged with defaults; see below

Under the hoods, the config object is merged with the object returned by wp.editor.getDefaultSettings.

If this function does nothing, please make sure that wp.editor.getDefaultSettings is a function. See above for documentation.