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Talk:Creating Admin Themes

Here are resources and notes:

(Also check the comments on some of these pages cuz they have good tips) - check comments about quicktags not compatible with some browers - that has to be in your article.

[old links removed] - Now 404's

And tons more at

Out Dated Entirely?

Seems to be no longer functioning since 3.1

Not so sure about the Login Style instructions

I was just experimenting with the login style instructions and don't feel that they are the most extensible or correct approach, especially if you're changing the admin style as well.

I think some mention should be made of the following add_action

add_action('login_head', 'wp_admin_login_css');

ps. I've added something in about this, but I don't know if it's entirely correct?! Is that the wrong way to go about things?

Alex 14:14, 25 March 2008 (UTC)