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Talk:FAQ Working with WordPress

How long do we keep information for old WP versions, and how far should we go back? There is info specific to 1.2, 1.3, 1.5 and now 2.0 in here, which is getting a little cluttered... should some of the pre-1.5 stuff (at least) be moved? --ChrisLott 07:17, 16 Jan 2006 (GMT)

How do I prevent comment flooding?

This section is very outdated and could dangerously send an ambitious novice down the wrong path. First of all, it encourages one to hack core files, which should not be encouraged in the Codex at all. Second, it doesn't work in recent WordPress versions (not sure why). Third, the code presented contains parsing errors. And finally, the functionality is already provided in wp-includes/comment.php. The functionality can be activated by any plugin or theme developer of even minimal experience by hooking into the 'comment_flood_filter'.

EDIT: I should cover my stupidity above, but I'll leave my original post as is. I just realized the flood filter IS active by default, it's just that the default 15 second min. comment interval made it appear that the filter wasn't working when I was manually testing it. The fact remains the functionality is already provided, and some users with minimal development skills may wish to hook this filter to alter the timing interval. We should also mention there's a few plugins that provide enhanced functionality for preventing comment floods.

Bcworkz 08:00, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

I wrote this much already, I may as well go ahead and update and rewrite this section, anything would be an improvement. Bcworkz 18:35, 7 November 2011 (UTC)