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Itére l'index d'article dans The Loop. Récupère l'article suivant, intialise l'article, défini la propriété 'in the loop' (dans la boucle) sur vrai.
<?php the_post(); ?>
Cette fonction n'accepte aucun paramètres.
Valeurs retournées
Cette fonction n'a aucune valeur de retour.
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
echo '<h2>';
echo '</h2>';
Notes de version
Fichier Source
the_post() est situé dans wp-includes/query.php
Contenu lié
Code Documentation
- Class: WP_Query - Detailed Overview of class WP_Query
- Class: WP_Comment_Query - Class for comment-related queries
- Class: WP_User_Query - Class for user-related queries
- Object: $wpdb - Overview on the use of the $wpdb object
- Function: set_query_var()
- Function: get_query_var()
- Function: query_posts() - Create additional custom query
- Function: get_post() - Take an ID of an item and return the records in the database for that article
- Function: get_posts() - A specialized function that returns an array of items
- Function: get_pages() - A specialized function that returns an array of pages
- Function: have_posts() - A condition that determines whether the query returned an article
- Function: the_post() - Used to automatically set the loop after a query
- Function: rewind_posts() - Clears the current loop
- Function: setup_postdata() - Sets the data for a single query result within a loop
- Function: wp_reset_postdata() - Restores the previous query (usually after a loop within another loop)
- Function: wp_reset_query()
- Function: is_main_query() - Ensures that the query that is being changed is only the main query
- Action Hook: pre_get_posts - Change WordPress queries before they are executed
- Action Hook: the_post - Modify the post object after query
- Filter Hook: found_posts - Changes the value of the object found_posts WP_Query