Here is what I have in my wp-admin/quicktags.js file, closer to the bottom:
!Quicktag link to prompt for the title too...
function edInsertLink(myField, i, defaultValue) { if (!defaultValue) { defaultValue = 'http://'; } if (!edCheckOpenTags(i)) { var URL = prompt('Enter the URL' ,defaultValue); if (URL) { edButtons[i].tagStart = '<a href="' + URL + '" title="' + prompt('Enter a title for the link', '') + '">'; edInsertTag(myField, i); } } else { edInsertTag(myField, i); } }
This function replaces the existent edInsertLink(); function in the quicktags.js file You might want to make the change too. I will make this hack of mine known, so everyone can use it.