I have noticed that some CODEX pages contain a section on USAGE and others do not.
As a long-time programmer and relatively new (4 years) user of WordPress, I can say it would be much more useful for all if we could update all CODEX pages, particularly those on inherent shortcodes, so all of them have a USAGE section, and so that Usage Section would show absolute examples of the syntax for such usage.
As an example, in the Codex page on the [audio] shortcode, such a syntax example could look like this:
USAGE SYNTAX: Elements in (parentheses) are optional and if omitted will use the default value. Options are separated by the pipe | symbol. The first option is always the default option.
SYNTAX: [audio (src="path/filename.ext")|(mp3="~"|ogg="~"|wav="~"|wma="~") (loop="off"|"on") (autoplay=0|1) (preload="none"|"auto"|"metadata")][/audio]
[audio src="www.mysite.com/audiofiles/myexampleaudio.mp3" loop="on" autoplay=1 preload="auto"][/audio]
[audio mp3="www.mysite.com/audiofiles/myexampleaudio.mp3"][/audio]
[audio][/audio] (Queues up the first audio file attached to the post.)