Webuzo Wordpress Stack is a free-quick-install package that allows bundling of all software (dependency) necessary to run Wordpress for development or production purposes.It includes the latest updated version of Wordpress and is pre-configured and ready-to-run.
You can download the latest version of Webuzo Wordpress stack for Windows, Linux and OS X at http://webuzo.com/apps/php/blogs/WordPress
Webuzo provides pre-loaded Softaculous Auto-installer which allows quick install of Wordpress within minutes.
i) Select Wordpress from the long list of categories and simply click install
ii) Click install
iii) That's it
iv) Access the admin/enduser panel
v) Wordpress is now set up and ready to be used.
Webuzo allows to deploy Worpress on its Virtual Machine within minutes.
Here is a quick guide: i) Download & extract the latest version of Webuzo Wordpress Virtual Appliance from http://webuzo.com/apps/php/blogs/WordPress
ii) Open the file with the VM player of your choice
iii) Webuzo Admin / Enduser Panel
iv) Configure Wordpress on the VM
v) Congratulations, Webuzo is up and running.
You will find the manual guide to install Wordpress here