Codex is likely going to be ported into a WordPress like format using the blicki plugin. Developers are asking for input into what functions and wiki markup should be included in that product.
Important 'Wiki' functions
- Table of Contents
- Recent Changes
- Templates
- Differences
- History
- Variables like {{CurrentVersion}} WordPress 6.7.1
- Category pages like
- User Contributions
- What Links Here
- Section Editing
- Redirects
- User uploads
- User pages
- User talk pages
Important 'Wiki' markup functions
- Section Linking (anchors)
- ==Section headings==
- '''Bold''' Bold
- ''italics'' italics
- * lists and # listslike this one
- ; and : indentation as used in Themes
- <nowiki> and </nowiki>
- Interwiki linking [[Wikipedia:JOIN|JOIN]] as in JOIN