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User:MichaelH/Blicki Features

Codex is likely going to be ported into a WordPress like format using the blicki plugin. Developers are asking for input into what functions and wiki markup should be included in that product.

Important 'Wiki' functions

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Recent Changes
  3. Templates
  4. Differences
  5. History
  6. Variables like {{CurrentVersion}} WordPress 6.7.1
  7. Category pages like
  8. User Contributions
  9. What Links Here
  10. Section Editing
  11. Redirects
  12. User uploads
  13. User pages
  14. User talk pages

Important 'Wiki' markup functions

  1. Section Linking (anchors)
  2. ==Section headings==
  3. '''Bold''' Bold
  4. ''italics'' italics
  5. * lists and # listslike this one
  6. ; and : indentation as used in Themes
  7. <nowiki> and </nowiki>
  8. Interwiki linking [[Wikipedia:JOIN|JOIN]] as in JOIN