I can:
- Edit any post
- Edit any thread title
- Delete any post
- Delete any thread
- Move topics to a different forum
- Close a topic
- 'Sticky' a topic to the front of a forum
- 'Supersticky' a topic to the front of the forums as a whole
- Change the "This topic is" to resolved / unresolved / not a support question
- Add / remove / edit tags
- Change the website you entered
- Change your location
- Change your occupation
- Change your Interests
- Block someone from the forums
- Make a member Inactive so they can read the forums, but not post / reply
- Promote a member
- Unpromote a member
- Change the 'Member' title
- Allow a user to bypass the 30 second throttle on posts
- Delete a user
- And see other forum backend stuff which looks scary so I looked once then clicked 'Back' and hoped I'd not broken anything.
Q & A
- Can you change my password ? No. I can't see it, know it, have it changed.
- Can you remove all my posts so no-one knows I've been here ? No. I will not.
- Can you remove my URL from my posts ? Unless I was given a fantastically good reason, No. And if I did, I would only do it once. Only put in posts what you want to be there for posterity.
- Can you remove my URL from someone else's post ? No. Not at all.
- Can you alter a link for me because I have moved things around on my site ? Probably. See my email address at the bottom of the page.
- Can you tell someone off for being horrible to me ? No.
- I want you to delete other posts which I do not like. No. I will not.
- I've written a new version of my plugin. Can you direct users from an old thread then close the old thread for me ? Yes. Post to the old thread and request that it be closed please.
More Q & A
- Are these extra abilities because you spend a lot of time in the forums ? No, not entirely. I have been there since January 2004 though and seen the membership and use grow hugely.
- Is it because you know everything ? No. I am the first to admit that I know no code and there are ways that WP are used which I am not familiar with.
- Are you a developer ? No - I can't code remember ?
- What do you spend most of my time doing ? Helping people just like every other forum user. That and correcting posts which have not used the ` button correctly and the other 'housekeeping' tasks above.
- Who do you answer to ? You. There is a mailing list for the forums (http://lists.automattic.com/mailman/listinfo/wp-forums) where all things forum related are discussed.
- And how do you see your 'role' ? By being not noticed, that's how. If the forums run smoothly and you don't notice me or what I'm doing, then as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing a fine job.
- Not answered your question ? Ask me by clicking the Discussion Tab at the top of the page.
You can email me for forum related help only (as detailed above) here: tamba2 at gmail dot com