wp-doc-bot is an IRC bot designed for the WordPress and WordPress Mu IRC channels on freenode.
!codex [search text] | Return link to documentation from http://codex.wordpress.org/ |
!phpxref [search text] | Return link to function in PHPXref |
!phpdoc [search text] | Return link to function in PHPDoc |
!doc [search text] | Return link to results page from http://wplookup.com/ |
!plugin [search text] | Return link to a plugin based on the search text |
!theme [search text] | Return link to a theme based on the search text |
!generator [site url] | Return the version reported by the generator meta tag |
!md5 [string] | Return the md5 hash of a string |
!ask | Tell user to just ASK! |
!gpl | Return some links explaining the GPL |
!link | Ask the user to give a link to their site |
!error | Ask the user to give the error that they reported having seen |
!try | Tell the user to try it and see |
!donthack | Tell user to never hack core files |
!fish | Explain why we will only point people in the right direction |
!paste | List paste guidelines and list location where multi-line pastes can be placed |
!count | List the number of downloads for the current major stable version of WordPress so far |
!download | List the download location for the latest stable and nightly versions of WordPress |
!guidelines | List the location of the #wordpress IRC channel guidelines |
!ops [offending nick] [optional description] | Page all OPs of #wordpress of an issue with a user including an optional description of the problem |
!wpmu | Tell user of the correct channel for WordPress Mu support |
!wordpress.com | Tell user of the correct channel for WordPress.com support |
!help | Return a link to this help document |
These commands can only be used publicly in #wordpress and #wpmu.
This bot accepts both ! (exclamation) and . (period) as it's command character.
The output of these commands can be redirected to a specified user by using the > character followed by the users nick.
The bot and documentation are managed by Matt 'sivel' Martz