Languages: English • を他の言語で使う 日本語 ไทย • (Add your language)
Although WordPress displays in U.S. English by default, the software has the built-in capability to be used in any language. The WordPress community has already translated WordPress into many languages, and there are Themes, translation files, and support available in many other languages. It is also possible to create a multilingual blog with the help of Plugins.
Se você pretende usar o WordPress em outro idioma, deve ser feito:
The team consists of Samuel Murray, and is active as of June 2008. Please, feel free to join me!
Please note: All attempts to contact the previous Afrikaans team have failed. The previous team used Launchpad[1][2] and had a WordPress team blog[3].
De Nederlandstalige versie van WordPress wordt beheerd door het Nederlandse vertaalteam onder leiding van Michel Klijmij.
Op kan de meest recente vertaalde versie gedownload worden. Helaas loopt deze flink achter en is deze onofficiële vertaling de beste optie voor recente versies van Wordpress. Wanneer je alleen het .mo bestand wil gebruiken kan je deze hier downloaden (bijgewerkt tot 2.7.) op SVN.
Vragen over WordPress kunnen worden gesteld op het Nederlandse forum van Hier kan je al je vragen met betrekking tot installatie, problemen, themas, vertaling ,etc. kwijt.
Leagan Gaeilge de WordPress 2.0.4. Cliceáil anseo do na comhaid .po agus .mo Má athraíonn tú leathanaigh php i WordPress bí cinnte go sabháileann tú gach ceann acu i bhfoirm UTF-8. Íoslódáil TextPad (saor in aisce) chun do leathanaigh php a chur in eagar. Caithfear níos mó oibre a dhéanamh más maith leat an Painéal Riaracháin uilig a aistriú go Gaeilge. Má tá ceist ag éinne nó má tá botún sna comhaid déan teangmháil liom [padraigbeirne ag]. Pádraig Beirne.
Última versión da tradución 2.7.1 [02/04/09] a cargo de Tagen Ata: WordPress en Galego v. 2.7.1
ქართული ენის პაკეტი ვორდპრეს 2.7 ვერსიისთვის. უახლესი ვერსიის გადაწერა შეგიძლიათ მისამართიდან
Offizielle Deutsche Version unter mit deutscher Sprachdatei.
Auf WordPress Deutschland findet man Foren, deutsche Sprachdateien, Themes, Plug-Ins, ein WordPress-Rundum-Sorglos-Paket, eine Doku und ein WordPress-Nutzerverzeichnis sowie den Planet WordPress, ein Metablog welches Meldungen rund um WordPress aus dem ganzen Netz sammelt.
WordPress Deutschland is the home of the German WordPress User Community, hosting the documentation (work in progress), a discussion board, up/download area and the Planet WordPress metablog, which is gathering WordPress related information from several blogs, as well as a German WordPress user directory. is the home of the Greek WordPress User Community (Ελληνικό WordPress), providing support to Greek-speaking users. Greek WordPress Forum offers assistance to end-users and Greek documentation.
You can make suggestions for improvement to the Greek WordPress and Greek Themes translations at our Web-based translation site.
וורדפרס בעברית - הפצה מותאמת לעברית של וורדרפס מאת רן יניב הרטשטיין, עם עדכונים קבועים, תמיכה מלאה בעברית ובכתיבה מימין לשמאל, וערכת עיצוב מעוברתת.
Wordpress Hebrew - Ran Yaniv Hartstein's Hebrew localization of Wordpress, constantly updated with a localized default theme.
A WordPress Magyarország oldalain mindent megtalálsz, ami a WordPress-szel kapcsolatban érdekelhet.
Paket WordPress dalam Bahasa Indonesia dapat ditemukan di ID.WordPress.Org Repositori pelokalan WordPress dapat di'checkout' dari [4] Di sini Anda dapat menemukan tulisan-tulisan mengenai WordPress yang cukup berguna:
WordPress Italy è il blog del WordPress Italy project, dal blog si ha accesso pgine del wiki italiano, dove troverete inforamazioni su WordPress in Italiano. Tutte le attività di traduzione sono coordinate tramite il blog. È anche disponibile il WordPress Italy Forum che fornisce supporto agli utenti italiani.
WordPress Italy is the blog about the WordPress Italy Project, from the blog you can access the Italian Wiki pages, where you will find information about WordPress in Italian. All Italian translation efforts are coodinated from the blog. There is also a WordPress Italy Forum to provide support to Italian users.
WordPress Japanese site:
Japanese Plugin Information
WordPress in Khmer is the homepage of the Khmer WordPress . There are many articles can be shared among Khmer WordPress users. This homepage is in Khmer.
* Korean WordPress 1.5.2: Korean WP 1.5.2
Anda boleh memuat turun WordPress versi Melayu di blog WordPress Malaysia melalui pautan ini.
Bagi pengguna WordPress yang lama, fail-fail terjemahan boleh dimuat turun di
Fakake WordPress ba Li Niha ta'andrö enai lafazökhi nahia li khöda ba dania tola muhalö ia moroi bakha ba: ...
Repositori nahia wohalöwö ba ndroto-ndroto WordPress fareso ba 'checkout' ... Nias - Li Niha (?) atau "chekout"
Ba da'a tola tesöndra ngawalö huhuo sanandrösa ba Li Niha khöda:
WordPress på norsk contains all Norwegian bokmål language files for both WordPress and the K2 theme.
Norsk WordPress is the homepage of an Norwegian WordPress community.
فارسي پرس نسخه کاملا ترجمه شده وردپرس با تنظيمات نصب فارسي مي باشد
W związku z tym, że WordPress jest projektem otwartym, w Internecie znajduje się wiele niezależnych tłumaczeń zarówno samego WordPressa, jak i wtyczek i motywów. Oto niektóre z nich:
WordPress-Pt é o site da Comunidade Portuguesa de WordPress. Todos os esforços de tradução para Português de Portugal são coordenados a partir daí. Tem ainda um fórum à sua disposição para suporte em português ao WordPress.
WordPress-Pt is the blog of the WordPress Portuguese Community. All translation efforts into European Portuguese are coordinated from the blog. There is also a Forum to provide support to all portuguese-speaking users. - Русский WordPress с альтернативным переводом и языковые файлы русского перевода для всех последних версий WordPress, локализованные плагины, FAQ и другая полезная информация. - project of russian WordPress localization and russian community of WordPress bloggers.
Плагины WordPress, справочник и настройка - Вопросы установки и настройки WordPress. Справочник функций, плагинов, а также безопасность WordPress.
AVISO: Las siguientes traducciones se encuentran ordenadas primeramente por versión y después por nombre del autor. Se ruega mantener el orden alfabéticamente y que no se cambie al antojo de los autores para que su traducción aparezca antes.
Liang undeuran sarta catetan ngeunaan WordPress basa Sunda tiasa ditingal di Kiwarian atahan disimpen di goah WordPress Sunda
Kanggo tempat ngadu bako kalih pitulung sanésna ngeunaan WordPress basa Sunda, tiasa ngiringan Panglawungan Rojongan WordPress Indonésia
WordPress Türkiye Blog / Forum / Belgeler
WordPress Türkiye Hakkında
WordPress Türkiye, WordPress kullanımıyla ilgili Türkçe döküman ve kaynak sıkıntısını gidermek için 19 Mayıs 2005 tarihinde birkaç arkadaş tarafından kuruldu. İlk dönemlerde WordPress haberleri ve forum üzerinden kullanıcı sorunlarına yardımcı olmayı hedefledik. Ancak daha sonraki dönemlerde artan kullanıcı sayısı nedeniyle belgeler adlı wiki bölümünü açarak ile kullanıcılara Türkçe döküman sağlamaya çalıştık.
WordPress'in 1.5.x sürümlerinden sonra çıkarttığı 2.0.x sürümlerine kadar forum ağırlıklı olarak çalıştık. Topluluk olarak 2.0.1 sürümüne kadar kullanıcılarımızın hazırlamış olduğu Türkçe dil dosyalarını kullanıp, destekledik. Mayıs 2006'da 2.0.2 sürümü ile ilk Türkçe WordPress paketini kullanıcılara sunduk ve bu tarihten sonraki tüm sürümler için Türkçe paketi hazırlayıp güncelledik.
Hâlâ forum ve belgelerin yanında, güncel sürümlerin Türkçe paketlerinin hazırlanması, eklentilerin ve temaların Türkçeleştirilmesi, WordPress Codex'inde bulunan belgelerin Türkçeleştirilmesi konusunda WordPress Türkiye kullanıcılarına yardımcı olmaya çalışıyoruz. Ayrıca hazırlamış olduğumuz ve sürekli güncellenen WordPress rehberi ile de özellikle yeni başlayanlar için başucu kılavuzu oluşturmayı hedefliyoruz.* - Офіційний Український WordPress - WordPress в Українi
M.P.C.R. - Твій гід в україномовному WordPress
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