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XML-RPC Support

WordPress uses an XML-RPC interface. WordPress has its own implementation for WordPress-specific functionality in an API called the WordPress API. This should be used when possible, and your client should use the API variants beginning with the wp prefix.

WordPress also supports the Blogger API, metaWeblog API, Movable Type API, and the Pingback API.

With WordPress XML-RPC support, you can post to your WordPress blog using many popular Weblog Clients. The XML-RPC system can be extended by WordPress Plugins to modify its behavior.

Enabling XML-RPC

XML-RPC functionality is turned on by default since WordPress 3.5.

In previous versions of WordPress, XML-RPC was user enabled. To enable, go to Settings > Writing > Remote Publishing and check the checkbox.


The XML-RPC server/path is:

  • If your WordPress root is, then you have:
    • Server: (some tools need just the '' hostname part)
    • Path: /wordpress/xmlrpc.php
    • complete URL (just in case):
