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WordPress 默认自动将特定文字转换成图形化图片。如,您在文章中输入 ;-),在发布后或预览时就可看到 。
关闭这个选项的效果只是当您在文章中输入 ;-) 时,发布后不转换成图片,而保留 ;-)。这不代表您就不能在文章中以纯文本方式添加表情。
Smiley images and the text used to produce them*:
* In some instances, multiple text options are available to display the same smiley.
Smileys may have been disabled by your WordPress admin. Another possibility is the smiley image files have been deleted from /wp-includes/images/smilies.
If smileys work for others at your site but not for you:
Type a space before and after your smiley text. That prevents the smiley being accidentally included in the text around it.
Make sure not to use quotes or other punctuation marks before and after the smiley text.
The smiley or emoticon image graphics are found in the /wp-includes/images/smilies directory.
Note that smileys is spelled 'eys' in this documentation and the directory name for the smiley images is 'smilies, spelled 'ies'.
Simplest way:
If you're up to hacking the code:
If you really must change the file names of the images, edit the file that refers to these images, 'vars.php' (in WordPress 2.2, they're located in 'functions.php'), situated in the /wp-includes/ directory. Follow all precautions when "hacking code".
You can read a tutorial explaining all this in more detail, as well as how to avoid hacking WP code, at Ars Aranea.
There are also WordPress Plugins which allow you to customize your smilies in WordPress.
If you recently uploaded the images, it could be that the images have been uploaded in ASCII format by your FTP program. Re-upload the smileys ensuring that they are transferred in BINARY format.
Some FTP programs have an auto-detect setting which will upload files in the correct format without user intervention. If you have such a setting, turn it on.
The smiley images in WordPress are automatically given a CSS class of wp-smiley when they are displayed in a post. You can use this class to style your smileys differently from other post images.
For example, it's not uncommon to set up images in a post to appear on the left-hand side of the content with text flowing around the image. The CSS for that might look like this:
.post img { float: left; }
This would typically affect all images in a post, including your smiley images. To override this so that smileys stay inline, you could add this to your CSS:
img.wp-smiley { float: none; }
For more on CSS in WordPress, you might want to start here.