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为了使您跟方便地使用WordPress站点,WordPress Support Forum 提供了一个名为 Your WordPress 的讨论区域以审查和评价由WordPress驱动的网站。改区域的文章不会显示在论坛首页 “最新文章” ,以此避免干扰在论坛中寻求社区支持的其他人。对于非您所主办的WordPress的网站的检查的请求可能不会被响应。
通过在论坛的 Your WordPress 区域上提交您的站点,您可以给予志愿的论坛成员和审查者(检查者)权限,以使他们能访问您的站点并可以评论您对WordPress的设计与运用。
这些志愿者中的一部分是web设计和编程领域的专家,而另一部分则不那么有经验,但是他们乐于帮助其他人发展自己的站点。这一切工作都是无偿的。所有的志愿者这么做的初衷只是乐于助人,以及对WordPress社区做一点回馈。他们可能善于交流(译者注:原文say nice things , 说些中听话,说好话)也可能不会,并且他们一般给出建言以帮助您改善站点。
站点检查出于自愿You Asked For It
当您提交您的站点到WordPress 论坛的Your WordPress版块时,你被认为是已经对自己WordPress站点评价和检查过了。如果您并不清楚您想得到的反馈是什么,检察员会按照他们的心情——可能和蔼卖萌也可能言辞犀利。(译者注:这一句存疑)站点检查是您自己要求的,您也会得到检查。
如果您 刚使用WordPress, PHP, CSS, 和 HTML,那么请说明,这样检察员们会更温和地指引您进行修复问题和做出更改的过程。如果您希望得到对您站点批评性的检查。检察员们会不遗余力地对您的站点进行检查,而后得出正面或负面的评价,以尝试帮助您改善您的站点。
* 全面的展现
* 色彩和图形的运用
* 站点的导航
* WordPress 特性、工具和插件的使用
* 代码有效性
一个 WordPress论坛检察员会尽其所能地给您关于您站点的客观策略。他们给出的信息通常符合web标准和WordPress实践。他们可能会在评论中加入一些关于对色彩、字体、图像使用等的个人偏好,不过这是他们自己的意见。
检查标准Review Criteria
列出站点的链接(URL)。您可以在论坛中以完整的HTML <a>标签引入,像这样:
<a href="">Title of Website</a>
<a href=""></a>
说明: 最后的示例中,必须在URL的前后留有一定空间以使其显示为链接。不要将URL放在引号或圆括号里。你可以把URL放在单列一行,以确保它最终确实显示为链接。
被检查的站点一般会被归为两类:博客 和 web站点 。请明确给出您的站点属于哪类,如此检查员便能给出更接近你站点所属类别的评价。
- 博客
- 一个 博客 是对博主的兴趣、思想的反映。检查员可能会就主题和WordPress的特性如何反映博主和站点的个性来进行评价,也可能就的站点的主题和布局对站点的服务、产品或内容的反映来进行评价。
检查员的责任 Responsibilities of the Reviewers
- 评价公正透明。
- 如实正确评价,否则请不要评价。
- 如果您不喜欢站点内容或主旨,请克制住评论它的冲动。
- 评价只针对站点上WordPress展示和使用。并在所评论站点上可编辑内容区留下您的评论,而非在WordPress论坛。
- 可提及对网站设计方面的个人偏好,但是记住这仅仅是您的个人意见,并非web标准。
- 您的声明应具有实践性、可用性并且能激励更好的web实现。
- 当引用一个特定的问题(problem)或资源的时候,尽可能明确给出问题(problem)或资源的链接。
- 如果站点有超越Your WordPress领域的问题,请到Support就该问题提交询问以获得参考。
- 请记住,检查者对其所有的评价、批评和评论负责,并不代表WordPress的观点。
Review Procedure
Everyone has their own website reviewing method. Some only look at the surface presentation of the site and rarely delve deep within a site's depths to see all the pages and posts. Others will look at the site's use of presentation styles, dig into the code to check it, and give a more detailed review. Be sure and ask for the depth of review you need when requesting a review of your site.
To help you understand what reviewers look for when reviewing a WordPress site, here is a checklist.
- Access
- How long does the site take to load? What comes up first? Are wait times long because of large graphics or links to external references like graphics off-site? Extremely long load times will often result in a site not being reviewed.
- Overall Presentation
- While WordPress comes with two Themes, reviewers want to see what you have done beyond the core Themes. They are looking for use of color and graphics, then layout and navigation. Do the colors match or contrast in a way to accentuate the content and purpose of the site? Are they overwhelming or hard to read or easy on the eye? Are the navigation areas easy to find? Is the purpose of the site clearly visible to the eye?
- Site Architecture
- Does the site make use of CSS layout and presentation? Is it in tables, frames, or iframes, or other non-standard web structures? In general, these are considered bad design form, but they might work for your site and reviewers will comment on their usage, good or bad. Does the sidebar overlap or is too close to the content? Is the footer a great distance from the rest of the content. All site architecture will be inspected and commented on if it is either not working or looks "uncomfortable."
- Site Purpose
- While not critical to the review, visitors look for clues to the purpose of a site. This is often reflected in the layout and design elements, use of color and graphics, and clear titles and explanations. Reviewers will look for these elements, too.
- The Header
- The header is a very important part of a site. It provides immediate information about the site and its purpose. It can be done through the use of words, color and graphics. If the header lacks definitive style and information, the reviewers will let you know immediately.
- Navigation
- Navigation elements for a site are often found within the sidebar of a web page, but they may also be within the header and footer. Reviewers will hunt for these and look at how the information is laid out, and how navigation works through your site. This includes clear use of Pages, Categories, Archives, Calendar, and other navigational tools.
- Use of Color and Images
- As part of the overall presentation of a site, reviewers will look at the use of color and images within the site. This includes the use of these in the header, sidebar, footer, content, and titles. It also includes the use of color and graphics in the background of the overall site and individual sections like the sidebar and header. Is the font readable against the graphics or photographs? Do these colors and images overwhelm or enhance the site?
- Fonts and Text Size
- Small fonts are one of the most complained about elements on many sites. Make sure fonts are readable and have enough of a color contrast between the background color and text color. White text on a black background is fine as long as the text is large enough and "thick" enough to be seen against the black background. Gray text on a black background may look good in theory, but is very hard to see. Same as pink on red, or green on blue. Since people tend to look at the words on a site from the moment of their arrival, the readability of the fonts counts.
- WordPress Tags and Templates
- As the reviewer moves around your site and inspects the navigation, they are also looking at how WordPress is used to display your site's content and information. Are you using template tags to list your categories or the drop-down menu tags? How are you using the WordPress PHP Loop within your site to change how content is generated? Does the sidebar change when visiting the single post or category pages? Do other elements within the template files change as the reviewer move around the site, displaying information unique to each web page? Are the search, category, or archive pages unique and different from the rest? WordPress has a lot of powerful features and conditional tags that generate different information as well as different looks depending upon the request and serious reviewers are looking for such usage.
- WordPress Plugins
- Reviews often recognize the use of popular plugins and tools and may comment on usage of these add-on features, especially if the usage is distinctive. If there are too many plugins cluttering things up, or problems with the plugins, they will also point these out.
- Cross-Browser Inspections
- Typically, the Themes and Templates Support section handles issues with browsers on website design and layout, but some dedicated reviewers may inspect your site in various browsers to help you out. If you would like this service, ask.
- Code Validation
- Every web page generated by WordPress is based upon two core files: template files and the style sheet. There can be one or many different template files and one or more style sheets, and all of this code needs to be checked for errors. Many reviewers will run your site's pages through a validator to check for HTML and XHTML errors and errors within your style sheet or CSS. These checks help you know if your site meets the web standards, and it also helps to clean up errors and prevent bigger ones from occurring. Part of having a solid website is having solid code and reviewers will inspect it for you and report on errors and ways to fix it, if they can.
Say Thank You
WordPress volunteers on the Forum offer this service for free. Their goal is to help you create the best WordPress site you can. They take time out from their own busy schedules and WordPress sites to help. Be sure and take a few minutes of your time to show your appreciation and say thanks.
And from the lessons you learn from your own review, you will start paying attention to other sites and how they work, and soon you can show your appreciation to the WordPress Community by reviewing other people's WordPress sites.