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m (Links → Edit: added missing punctuation)
m (Links → Edit: added missing punctuation)
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Latest revision as of 20:19, 16 January 2013

As of Version 3.5, the Links Manger and blogroll are hidden for new installs and any existing WordPress installs that do not have any links. If you are upgrading from a previous version of WordPress with any active links, the Links Manager will continue to function as normal. If you would like to restore the Links panel to your install you may download and install the Links Manager plugin. This page is still relevant for any user with an existing Links Manager or with the plugin installed.

Links → Edit

The Links Screen allows you to manage the various Links previously added to your blog. Multiple Links can be selected for deletion. Search and filtering ability is also provided to allow you to find the desired Links. Individual Links can be accessed to edit the information about that particular Link.

Links Edit Screen

Back to Administration Screens.

Table of Links

Links are displayed as rows in this table with the following columns.

  • * - A check box to select a Link.
  • Name - The name (in bold) of the Link and its description.
  • URL - The destination URL (Web Address) of the Link.
  • Categories - Every Link must belong to at least one category. The category or categories to which that Link is assigned are shown here.
  • Relationship - This column displays all of the XFN relationships for this Link. See more at the Links Add New Screen.
  • Visible - Whether or not the Link is visible on your site.
  • Rating - The rating, from 0 to 9, for this link, where 0 implies that the link is unrated. What the rating system actually defines on your site is up to you to decide.

Sortable Columns

Some column headings, such as the Name, URL, Visible, and Dating, can be clicked to sort the Table of Links in ascending or descending order. Hover over the column title, for example Name, to see the up-arrow or down-arrow. Click the heading to change the sort order.

Screen Options

The Screen Options allow you to choose which columns are displayed, or not displayed, in the underlying Table. Clicking on the Screen Options tab shows a list of the columns with a check-box next to each column. Check the box for each column you want displayed in the Table, or uncheck the box to not display that column. Click the Screen Options tab again to close the Screen Options.


Above the Table, to the right, is a search box where you can enter a word, or series of words, and click the "Search Categories" button to search and display all the Categories meeting your search words.

Filtering Options

In the top most box of this Screen are two filtering options, to the right of the Bulk Actions Apply button:

View all Categories
This dropdown allows you to select, by Link Category, which Links are displayed in the Table of Links. By default, "All" is selected and all of your Links are displayed.
Order by Name
You can sort the Table of Links by Link ID, Name, Address, or Rating with this dropdown. By default, the Links are sorted by name.
Clicking this button applies the settings you select in the two dropdowns.

Using Selection, Actions, and Apply


This Screen allows Bulk Actions to be performed on one or more Links selected in the Table. For Bulk Actions to be performed on multiple Links at once, those Links must be first selected via one of these methods:
  • Select one Link at a time - To select a Link, the checkbox to the left of the Link entry must be checked (clicked). It is possible to keep selecting more Links by checking their respective checkbox.
  • Select all Links in given Table - All Links in a given table can be selected by checking the checkbox in the Table's title, or footer bar. Of course, unchecking the header or footer title bar checkbox will cause all entries in that Table to be unchecked (NOT selected).
  • Reverse Selection - A Reverse Selection means checked items become unchecked, and unchecked items become checked. A Reverse Selection is accomplished by holding the Shift key on the keyboard and clicking the header or footer title bar checkbox.


Actions describe the process to be performed on particular Links. There are two styles of Actions that will be referred to as Bulk Actions and Immediate Actions. The follow describes these Actions:
  • Bulk Actions - These Actions can be performed on one, or more Links, at one time, if those Links have been previously selected. Bulk Actions are available, when appropriate, as choices in the Bulk Actions pulldown box, above the Table. The only Bulk Action allowed is Delete.
  • Immediate Actions - Immediate Actions are performed immediately, on an individual Link. Hovering the mouse cursor over the Link row reveals the Edit and Delete options under the Name column in that Link row. Clicking on a Link Name will also initiate the Edit Action.
The available Actions are described below:
  • Edit - This Immediate Action displays the Edit Links Screen. This Action can be initiated by click on the Link Name or clicking on the Edit option just below the Link Name. See the Link Editing section for details on editing a Link.
  • Delete - This Action deletes the Links. Delete is available both as a Bulk Action, and an Immediate Action.


After one or more Links are selected, and after a Bulk Action is specified, the Apply button performs the given Action on the selected Links.
  • Apply - Click the Apply button to execute the Bulk Action, specified in the Actions pulldown, on the selected Links. Remember, prior to executing Actions, one or more Links must be selected, as described before.

Link Editing

This mode is essentially the same as the Links Add New Screen. The only difference is that the buttons to save your work are called "Save Changes" instead of "Add Link".


  • 3.5 : Screen hidden for new installs. If default links were unchanged prior to 3.5 upgrade, screen also hidden for older installs. Can be restored with Link Manager Plugin
  •  ??? : New Screen
See also Administration Screens and Network Admin.