Excellent, Ryan. Want me to take a whack at making this prettier? And I'd like to change the order of a few things, pushing bug reporting towards the bottom and moving donating and Codex and other things up. Is that okay? This is brilliant. I'd love to have a link to it in the WordPress Basics and Getting Started with WordPress, both! Can't cover enough bases with this. Lorelle 23:25, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I tried splitting it up into 3 sections. You are free to work on improving it now :)
Could we possilbly look at adding information about, and links to, the ideas section of the site to encourage those that want to get involved in the community to vote on Ideas.
The ideas section really looks under-used and i'd love to see some efforts made in codex entries to promote the notion and practice of rating proposed submitted ideas.
Users should generally uses the ideas section for requesting features, and so forth, let's help them find their way there by providing information about it in the documentation that aims to outline the methods for helping and contributing.
T31os 18:43, 2 April 2010 (UTC)