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Talk:Site Design and Layout

The link to Upgrading 1.2.x Style to 1.3 (1.5) Theme may need to change depending on whether or not the page name stays as is.

--NuclearMoose 11:34, 7 Jan 2005 (GMT)

I took the initiative and cleaned up this page. I also added the reference to Strayhorn to emphasis the new Themes, leading people's eye there. Lorelle 15:44, 21 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Article on Handling CSS Bugs and Hacks

As more and more people will be using WordPress with the new Themes, wanting to design their own, they will encounter the all-too-common bugs found in browsers. I've done an article on CSS_Fixing_Bugs_and_Hacks which may be added to the Codex.

Lorelle 19:26, 19 Feb 2005 (GMT)

0_0 That's looking great, Lorelle! Nice work! -MacManX

Also working on a CSS Troubleshooting article...unless someone objects in the next 90 seconds....times up. Searched everywhere and couldn't find a note of someone saying they were doing that. It will be seriously needed with the new Themes. Lorelle 15:45, 21 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Article on CSS_Troubleshooting up and ready for inspection. Lorelle 20:39, 21 Feb 2005 (GMT)

Do we really need the paragraph here? I like the sentiment, but it looks odd. Maybe up at the top so it is "presenting" the table of contents lists instead of cutting it in half. I'm just going for look and consistency in look across the contents. We can add explanations for every section, but I like the clean "get to the freakin' information I want" look. Lorelle 22:21, 6 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Which paragraph? -Etoile 16:20, 23 Mar 2005 (UTC)
The paragraph that was removed earlier in the month. Lorelle 01:30, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)

There is a link to an article on Integrating_Wordpress_with_Your_Website linked to from here that isn't a valid article. Can we get that article cleaned up and fixed or what? Thanks. Lorelle 01:30, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)

User Experience?

Does anything think an article about user experience (UX) might make a nice addition to this section? I've seen a few Wordpress themes with great and not-so-great UX. Styledoesmatter 11:00, 19 July 2013 (UTC)

styling navigation menu olsen template


I would like to ask a question about the styling of the main navigation menu in the Olsen premium template. I would like to style the name of the start page in a bigger and different letter type compared to the other pages of the menu. How can I do this?

Thank you in advance!