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Talk:Using Gravatars

Okay, call me a newbie if you want, but tell me, where in comments.php do I insert the lines of code to get the gravatar avatar next to the comment author's name? -Thomas

I'd call you someone in need of the WordPress Support Forum. We'll evaluate this document for clarification, but the Codex is for documentation not support and you will find plenty of help there. Thanks. Lorelle 16:45, 21 Jul 2005 (UTC)

Created a draft to add Wordpress 2.5 information
Sewpafly 06:00, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

Addition of $comment information and other stuff

As per, I've added the information about using $comment to get the user's email address for gravatar recognition.

I'm not entirely sure whether this is 100% right, but if it helps cut down the number of support queries that should be good.

I also edited the fact that the default output is 96x96, not 64x64 - perhaps there was a weird glitch somewhere, but anytime I have not specified the size, the output has been 96x96.

Finally, I added a note about what the outputted img element will look like, to show people what classes are added (for styling assistance).

Alex 12:47, 3 April 2008 (UTC)

avatar-default CSS class

According to the documentation:

If the gravatar reverts to the default image, whether you have specified a default or not, the img element will also be given a class of avatar-default

Is this true? It doesn't work for me. I'd like to be able to not display avatars for people who don't have one, so I was hoping to define a style such as .avatar-default { display: none} , but it doesn't seem to be working.

Only getting the Default Avatar

I checked the support forum, but could not find anything regarding the new implementation.


<?php echo get_avatar( $id_or_email, $size = '32' );?>

Only the default image appears while I have verified that at least one comment poster does have a gravatar.