Theme-Related Functions
These functions are found in theme.php.
- get_stylesheet
- get_stylesheet_directory
- get_stylesheet_directory_uri
- get_stylesheet_uri
- get_locale_stylesheet_uri
- get_template
- get_template_directory
- get_template_directory_uri
- get_theme_data
- get_themes
- get_theme
- get_current_theme
- get_theme_root
- get_theme_root_uri
- get_query_template
- get_404_template
- get_archive_template
- get_author_template
- get_category_template
- get_date_template
- get_home_template
- get_page_template
- get_paged_template
- get_search_template
- get_single_template
- get_attachment_template
- get_comments_popup_template
- load_template
- locale_stylesheet
- validate_current_theme
- get_theme_mod
- set_theme_mod
- get_header_textcolor
- get_header_image
- header_image
- add_custom_image_header
Formatting Functions
These functions are contained in formatting.php, functions.php, kses.php.
- wptexturize( $text )
- clean_pre( $text ) - Returns the text without BR tags, and with P tags turned into line-breaks
- wpautop( $pee, $br = 1 ) - Returns the text with HTML formatting for paragraphs
- seems_utf8($Str) - Returns true if given string seems like it is UTF8-encoded
- wp_specialchars( $text, $quotes = 0 ) - Like the PHP function htmlspecialchars except it doesn't double-encode HTML entities
- utf8_uri_encode
- remove_accents($string) - Returns a string with accents or umlauts without these
- sanitize_file_name
- sanitize_user( $username, $strict = false ) - Makes the username more machine-readable. Strict option for pure ASCII only.
- sanitize_title($title, $fallback_title = )
- sanitize_title_with_dashes($title)
- convert_chars($content, $flag = 'obsolete') - Translation of invalid Unicode references range to valid range
- funky_javascript_fix
- balanceTags($text, $is_comment = 0) - Balances Tags of string using a modified stack. Can be disabled by configuration.
- force_balance_tags
- format_to_edit
- format_to_post
- zeroise($number,$threshold) - Adds leading zeros when necessary
- backslashit
- trailingslashit
- addslashes_gpc
- stripslashes_deep
- antispambot - converts email address to anti-spam version
- make_clickable
- wp_rel_nofollow
- convert_smilies
- is_email
- wp_iso_descrambler
- popuplinks - converts a link into a popup link that will open in a different window
- sanitize_email
- ent2ncr($text) - Returns HTML entity as its number representation.
- wp_richedit_pre
- clean_url
- htmlentities2
- js_escape
- attribute_escape
- wp_make_link_relative - makes an absolute link into a relative link
- add_magic_quotes
- wp_kses
- wp_kses_hook
- wp_kses_version
- wp_kses_split
- wp_kses_split2
- wp_kses_attr
- wp_kses_hair
- wp_kses_check_attr_val
- wp_kses_bad_protocol
- wp_kses_no_null
- wp_kses_strip_slashes
- wp_kses_array_lc
- wp_kses_js_entities
- wp_kses_html_error
- wp_kses_bad_protocol_once
- wp_kses_bad_protocol_once2
- wp_kses_normalize_entities
- wp_kses_normalize_entities2
- wp_kses_decode_entities
- wp_filter_kses
- wp_filter_post_kses
- wp_filter_nohtml_kses
Miscellanous Functions
These functions are contained in formatting.php, functions.php, bookmarks.php, cron.php, l10n.php, user.php, pluggable.php
Time/Date Functions
- get_gmt_from_date
- get_date_from_gmt
- iso8601_timezone_to_offset
- iso8601_to_datetime
- human_time_diff
- mysql2date
- current_time
- date_i18n
- get_weekendstartend
- get_lastpostdate
- get_lastpostmodified
- is_new_day
- maybe_serialize
- maybe_unserialize
- is_serialized
- is_serialized_string
- get_option
- form_option -- like get_option, but removes attributes from result</tt>
- get_alloptions
- update_option -- given option name and new value, it makes a safe update of given option's database row.
- add_option
- delete_option -- removes row of given option name from the options database table.
- get_user_option
- update_user_option
- xmlrpc_getposttitle
- xmlrpc_getpostcategory
- xmlrpc_removepostdata
- user_pass_ok
See also Translating WordPress.
- get_locale
- __
- _e
- _ngettext
- load_textdomain
- load_default_textdomain
- load_plugin_textdomain
- load_theme_textdomain
Cron (Scheduling)
- wp_schedule_single_event
- wp_schedule_event
- wp_reschedule_event
- wp_unschedule_event
- wp_clear_scheduled_hook
- wp_next_scheduled
- spawn_cron
- wp_cron
- wp_get_schedules
- wp_get_schedule
- gzip_compression
- make_url_footnote
- wp_get_http_headers
- add_query_arg
- remove_query_arg
- wp_remote_fopen
- wp
- status_header
- nocache_headers
- cache_javascript_headers
- get_num_queries
- bool_from_yn - converts a "Y/N" variable into boolean true/false
- do_robots
- is_blog_installed
- wp_nonce_url
- wp_nonce_field
- wp_referer_field
- wp_original_referer_field
- wp_get_referer
- wp_get_original_referer
- wp_mkdir_p
- wp_upload_dir
- wp_upload_bits
- wp_check_filetype
- wp_explain_nonce
- wp_nonce_ays
- wp_die
- get_bookmark
- get_bookmarks
- wp_mail
- check_admin_referer
- check_ajax_referer
- wp_redirect
- wp_get_cookie_login
- wp_setcookie
- wp_clearcookie
- wp_notify_postauthor
- wp_notify_moderator
- wp_new_user_notification
- wp_verify_nonce
- wp_create_nonce
- wp_salt
- wp_hash
The following classes were created by WordPress developers, and are found in files capabilities.php,
classes.php, class-snoopy.php, locale.php, query.php, rewrite.php, script-loader.php, wp-db.php:
- WP - general request handling
- WP_Ajax_Response - AJAX handling
- WP_Object_Cache (formerly WP_Cache) - Object cache (and functions wp_cache_add, wp_cache_close, wp_cache_delete, wp_cache_flush, wp_cache_get, wp_cache_init, wp_cache_replace, wp_cache_set)
- WP_Error - error handling (and function is_wp_error)
- WP_Locale - handles date and time locales
- WP_Query - Request parsing and manipulation, posts fetching (with functions get_query_var, query_posts, have_posts, in_the_loop, rewind_posts, the_post, wp_old_slug_redirect, setup_postdata, as well as the Conditional Tags is_*)
- WP_Rewrite - Rewrite rules (and functions add_rewrite_rule, add_rewrite_tag, add_feed, add_rewrite_endpoint, url_to_postid)
- WP_Roles, WP_Role, WP_User - Users and capabilities (and functions map_meta_cap, current_user_can, get_role, add_role, remove_role)
- WP_Scripts - JavaScript loading (and functions wp_print_scripts, wp_register_script, wp_deregister_script, wp_enqueue_script)
- Walker, Walker_Page, Walker_PageDropdown, Walker_Category, Walker_CategoryDropdown - Display tree-like data
- wpdb - Database interface
The following classes were created by outside developers, and are found in files class-IXR.php, class-pop3.php, class-snoopy.php, gettext.php, rss.php, streams.php:
- IXR - XML-RPC Classes, including IXR_Value, IXR_Message, IXR_Server, IXR_IntrospectionServer, IXR_Request, IXR_Client, IXR_ClientMulticall, IXR_Error, IXR_Date, IXR_Base64
- Snoopy - HTTP client
- gettext_reader (part of PHP-gettext) - Localization Class
- RSS Classes (MagpieRSS and RSSCache) (and functions fetch_rss, is_info, is_success, is_redirect, is_error, is_client_error, is_server_error, parse_w3cdtf, wp_rss, get_rss)
- POP3: SquirrelMail wrapper
- StreamReader, StringReader, FileReader, CachedFileReader