Note: The contents on this page apply only to TinyMCE version < 4!
This page is about the WordPress modal dialog (in code referenced as WPDialog). This is the dialog window just like the Insert/edit link dialog on the post/page screen. There are some advantages to the WPDialog:
I assume you know how to set up a basic TinyMCE plugin and that you have set up one. If not, read more about TinyMCE.
To open a WPDialog, you have to insert the following piece of code in editor_plugin_src.js. This code opens the dialog, so place it where you want (probably in a command).{ width : 480, height : 'auto', wpDialog: true, id : 'my-custom-wpdialog', title : 'My custom WPDialog' }, { plugin_url : url, });
The last part (plugin_url) is standard for TinyMCE dialogs.
Add the following function to the .php file where you've also defined the buttons for the TinyMCE Editor.
/* * Prints the contents of my custom wpdialog */ function my_custom_wpdialog_contents() { /* * Enqueue and print your styles and scripts that are needed for the dialog * Use wp_enqueue_style/wp_enqueue_script and wp_print_styles/wp_print_scripts */ wp_enqueue_style('my-custom-wpdialog-style', plugins_url('css/my-custom-dialog.css', __FILE__)); wp_enqueue_script('my-custom-wpdialog-script', plugins_url('js/my-custom-dialog.js', __FILE__), array('jquery')); // Print style and script right now wp_print_styles('my-custom-wp-dialog-style'); wp_print_scripts('my-custom-wp-dialog-script'); // Print directly html ?> <div style="display: none"> <form id="my-custom-wpdialog" tabindex="-1"> <p class="howto"><?php _e('This is a WPDialog!', 'textdomain');?></p> <div class="submitbox"> <div id="my-custom-wpdialog-update"> <input id="my-custom-wpdialog-submit" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="my-custom-wpdialog-submit" value="<?php _e('OK', 'textdomain'); ?>"> </div> <div id="my-custom-wpdialog-cancel"> <a class="submitdelete deletion" href="#"><?php _e('Cancel', 'textdomain')?></a> </div> </div> </form> </div> <?php } add_action('after_wp_tiny_mce', 'my_custom_wpdialog_contents');
This function is hooked to the after_wp_tiny_mce hook.
Next, we enqueue the styles and scripts that we gonna use with wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script. This is actually too late for WordPress to handle those scripts, so we have to print them by ourselves (with wp_print_styles and wp_print_scripts).
After that, we print the contents of the WPDialog. There are some important things about this piece of HTML:
The styling of the WPDialog is of course all yours, but you can start here with some general styling rules.
#my-custom-wpdialog { background-color: #F5F5F5; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.4em; margin: 5px; outline: none; } #my-custom-wpdialog .submitbox { font-size: 11px; height: 29px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px 10px; }
The other classes, like submitdelete, are defined in wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.css
Save your stylesheet to css/my-custom-wpdialog.css, relative to the plugin directory.
You probably want to insert something in the editor after the user selected something in the dialog box. If you need some data (like posts), use AJAX to retrieve it.
A basic setup for the javascript file is this
var myCustomWPDialog; (function($) { var input = {}; myCustomWPDialog = { init : function() { input.dialog = $('#my-custom-wpdialog'); input.submit = $('#my-custom-wpdialog-submit'); { myCustomWPDialog.submit(); e.preventDefault(); }); input.cancel = $('#my-custom-wpdialog-cancel') { myCustomWPDialog.close(); e.preventDefault(); }); // Bind a function to the wpdialogbeforeopen event of the dialog, // use the next line and replace callback with your actually function. // input.dialog.bind('wpdialogbeforeopen', callback); // Bind a function to the wpdialogrefresh event // input.dialog.bind('wpdialogrefresh', callback); // Bind a function to the wpdialogclose event // input.dialog.bind('wpdialogclose', callback); }, submit : function() { if (tinyMCE && tinyMCE.activeEditor) { tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.setContent("This is a test string"); } myCustomWPDialog.close(); }, close : function() { if (myCustomWPDialog.isMCE()) tinyMCEPopup.close(); else input.dialog.wpdialog('close'); }, isMCE : function() { return tinyMCEPopup && (ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor) && !ed.isHidden(); } }; $(document).ready(myCustomWPDialog.init); })(jQuery)
This file inserts the string This is a test string into the editor. If you want to do more, check out the tinymce.Editor class on
Save your javascript as js/my-custom-wpdialog.js, relative to the plugin directory. For more info, study wp-includes/js/wplink.js
You probably want your dialog to be translated. The contents of the WPDialog are translated with PHP (see The dialog content).
But if you want to translate strings you use in the JavaScript of the TinyMCE plugin, you can't print them somewhere directly with PHP. Lucky enough, WordPress' implementation of TinyMCE makes it possible to translate those with PHP.
Create a new file, called something like my-cusom-wpdialog-langs.php and open it. Insert the following code.
// This file is based on wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; if ( ! class_exists( '_WP_Editors' ) ) require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-editor.php' ); function my_custom_wpdialog_translation() { $strings = array( 'dlg_title' => __('My custom WPDialog', 'textdomain'), ); $locale = _WP_Editors::$mce_locale; $translated = 'tinyMCE.addI18n("' . $locale . '.my_custom_wpdialog", ' . json_encode( $strings ) . ");\n"; return $translated; } $strings = my_custom_wpdialog_translation();
The code first checks if the file is included by WordPress. If not, it exits. Next, it checks if the class _WP_Editors exists. If not, the class is loaded (from wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php
We wrap the translation in a function (this to make sure there are no global variables) called my_custom_wpdialog_translation (make sure your function is unique). Here you translate your strings with a associative array. The key in this array is also the key you will use later on to get the translation. Then we retrieve the locale for the editor and we build some JavaScript. We use the tinyMCE.addI18n JavaScript function to add the translated strings to the editor. Some information about the arguments:
That bit of JavaScript code is returned by the function.
You can see that on the last line of the file, our function my_custom_wp_dialog_translation is called and that the translated strings are saved in the global variable $strings. (The variable has to be called $strings, or it won't work.
For more examples of a file with translations, see wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php
Now we only have to load your translated strings at the right moment. This is done by using the mce_external_languages filter. Insert the following code in the file where you also register your TinyMCE plugin. (i.e. the file with the function that is hooked to the mce_external_plugins filter)
function my_custom_wpdialog_add_locale($locales) { $locales ['My-Custom_WPDialog'] = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ ) . 'my-custom-wpdialog-langs.php'; return $locales; } add_filter('mce_external_languages', 'my_custom_wpdialog_add_locale');
Replace My-Custom-WPDialog with your identifier of your plugin and make sure the path to my-cusomt-wpdialog-langs.php is correct.
(for more info about mce_external_languages)