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워드프레스는 강력한 시멘틱 출판 플랫폼으로, 사용이 쉽고 쾌적하며 더욱이 매력적이기 까지한, 인터넷으로 글쓰기의 경험을 마음껏 경험 할 수 있도록 고안된 너무나도 멋진 기능의 프로그램입니다. 워드프레스는 자유로운 배포, 세계적인 표준, 빠름, 가벼움 게다가 무료이기 까지한 합리적인 콘텐츠 관리 시스템이면서 사용자에게 꼭 맞는 핵심을 제공하는 것을 매우 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.
다음은 워드프레스가 지닌 대표적인 기능 중에서 일부 목록입니다. 그러나 워드프레스는 무엇이든 확장할 수 있는 플러그인이 수천, 수만가지가 있습니다. 실제로는 거의 무한대라고 봐도 됩니다. 당신은 또한 당신이 워드프레스의 코드에 더불어, 그것을 확장하거나 수정하는 등 어떠한 방법을 사용하든지 간에 라이센스의 비용없이 상업적 프로젝트에 사용하더라도 무료인 것. 그것이 바로 오픈소스 무료 소프트웨어의 진정한 아름다움입니다, 무료라는 의미는 가격 뿐만 아니라, 그것을 완벽하게 콘트롤 할 수있는 자유를 의미합니다.
- 이미 증명된
- 매일 새롭게 구축되는 사이트의 약 1/4이 워드프레스로 만들어질 정도로, 웹 상에서 인기많은 사이트의 2/3 가량이 컨텐츠 관리 시스템(CMS) 이며, 검증된 안정성과 사이트의 규모. CNN 과 뉴욕타임즈 그리고 전세계 5000만개 이상의 사이트와 8년의 역사가 증명해주는, 모두가 잘 알고 있듯이 워드프레스는 이미 최고의 소프트웨어로 자리메김 하였습니다.
- 쉬운 사용법
- 오늘날 사용하는 데스크탑 웹출판 소프트웨어인 워드프레스의 핵심은 바로 쉽고 간단한 인터페이스입니다. 프로그래밍 코딩 경험이 없더라도, 전문지식이 없더라도 사이트 주소를 치고 로그인만 하면 됩니다. 사실, 대부분의 사용자들이 따로 교육을 받지 않고도 곧바로 사용할 수 있을 정도로 인터페이스의 구성과 사용이 편리함은 다년간의 결과물로서, 그것은 마이크로소프트 워드의 강력함과 아이폰의 직관성과 같습니다.
- 글쓰기에 집중
- 워드프레스로 만든 컨텐츠를 공유하여 구독자를 늘릴 수 있습니다. 또한 소셜 네트워크 서비스에 컨텐츠를 동시에 올림으로써 검색 사이트에서의 검색 결과의 최상단에 나올 수 있도록하는 최적의 구성, 방문자가 피드리더(또는 메일로)구체적인 내용을 서브피드로 구독하는 등, 워드프레스는 단순한 웹사이트를 넘어, 콘텐츠를 출판할 수 있는 플랫폼이라 할 수 있습니다. 단 한번의 클릭만으로, 전세계에 메세지를 띄울 수 있는 강력한 메가폰을 경험해 보세요.
- 커뮤니티 지원
- 워드프레스가 지원하는 사용자 커뮤니티는 매일같이 정보공유를 함으로써 이미 수많은 문제들을 해결해왔습니다. 워드프레스의 최신버전은 이미 출시되기 전부터 1천만번 이상 다운로드 되었고, 이번의 새로운 버전은 벌써 600만번 이상 다운로드 되었습니다. 워드프레스 라이브러리에는 수백명의 코어 개발자와 참여자들에 의해 매일 2만개 이상의 무료 오픈소스 플러그인과 테마가 올라오고 있습니다. 워드프레스 커뮤니티 플랫폼의 성공과 능력이 그렇게 생태계를 만들고 있습니다.
내용이 왕이다
- 당신의 모든 워크플로우
- 워드프레스는 맞춤법, 문법, 공동 작업 및 리뷰 등 글을 쓰는 그 순간의 초기 초안부터 전체적인 작업의 흐름까지 모든 것을 대신할 수 있습니다. 더이상 e-메일과 고가의 데스크탑 소프트웨어를 왔다갔다할 필요가 없습니다.
- 단순한 글쓰기를 넘어
- 웹 상의 모든것이 풍요로워 집니다 - 사진, 비디오, 음악, 문서 - 워드프레스 홈페이지에서 그것이 가능합니다. 마우스로 끌어다 놓는 파일 업로더 기능으로 더이상 매번 파일을 힘들게 올리지 않아도 되며 미디어 브라우저는 파일을 저장, 정리하고 찾을 수 있도록하기 위해 최신의 IT 기술을 사용하여 파일 찾기에 도움을 줍니다. 또한 페이지 팝업을 띄워 파일을 호스트합니다.
- 마음가는대로 글쓰세요
- 이메일, 메신저, 문자, 트위터, 페이스북... 이것들 만으로도 오늘 우리는 충분히 산만합니다. 워드프레스는 이것들과 전혀 다릅니다. 당신이 자신만의 아이디어에 스스로를 집중하여 워드프레스로 글을 쓰는 동안에야 진정 수많은 그 서비스들로부터 자유로울 수 있습니다.
- 내용을 분실하지마세요
- 컴퓨터 충돌에 의한 오류나 사용자의 실수를 걱정한다면 더이상 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 글을 입력할 때 마다 워드프레스가 자동으로 작업을 저장합니다. 글을 쓴 이전 버전으로 돌아가고 싶습니까? 문제 없습니다. 당신이 저장을 누를 때마다 워드 프레스는 클릭 한 번으로 복원할 수있는 스냅샷을 만듭니다.
- 시간 여행
- 오케이, 정답은 아니지만, 거의 맞추셨습니다. 워드프레스는 당신을 위해 편리하게 쓸 수 있도록 앞으로 몇 시간 후의 게시될 글을 예약할 수 있고, 과거의 게시물을 소급해서 적용해 줄 수 있습니다.
- 언제 어디서나 글쓰기
- The internet’s everywhere, so why shouldn’t your workflow be? WordPress has mobile applications for Android, iOS, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone 7, even WebOS. Wherever you are, control of your site is literally at your fingertips. Your phone not listed? No fret. You can even post to your site by e-mail.
- 비밀글 보호기능
- You can give passwords to individual posts to hide them from the public. You can also have private posts which are viewable only by their author.
- 다중 페이지 게시물
- If your post is too long, cut it up into pages, so your readers don't have to scroll to the end of the world.
- 임시 보관함에 저장
- Save your unfinished articles, improve them later, publish when you're done.
- 게시물 미리보기
- Before you press the "Publish" button, you can look at the preview for the article you just wrote to check if everything is the way you want it. In fact, you can do that at any time, since the preview is "live".
8가지의 강력한 변화
- 어떠한 컨텐츠라도 멋있게
- Your content deserves the best. The site should conform to your content, not the other way around. WordPress comes with a full theme system which makes designing everything from the simplest site to the most complicated portal a piece of cake. Have a new design every day. Your ideas should look as good as what they say.
- 직관적인 구성
- It doesn’t matter how much content you have, if your visitors can’t find it. WordPress organizes your content by day, by month, by year, by author, by category — any way you can describe it — and dynamically creates browsable archives so things always stay up to date.
- 끝내주는 검색능력
- WordPress has killer search baked in. Every word you write is fully searchable through a single box at the top of each page and if your users choose to use an external search engine like Google, rest assured, WordPress will present your content in a way that all but ensures it makes it to the top of the results every time.
- 심지어 URL 까지 아름답다
- Ever go to a site and look up to the URL bar only to see a string of letter and number gobbledygook? WordPress realizes that websites are built for people, not computers. Every URL is intuitively written for humans and describes what your content says, not where it sits in a database.
- 활자란 이런것이다
- To do it right, publishing on the web can be a pain without the right tools. Every time you hit publish WordPress silently typesets each and every letter for seamless web production. Where many other CMSs let the details fall by the wayside, WordPress uses the Texturize engine to intelligently convert web-unfriendly characters like quotes, apostrophes, ellipses, em and en dashes, multiplication symbols, and ampersands into typographically correct HTML entities. For information about the proper use of such entities see Peter Sheerin's article The Trouble With Em ’n En.
- 워드프레스니 이랏샤이마세!
- WordPress has been translated to more than 60 different languages, so however you say “publish”, you’ll be saying it in no time flat. You can create a site that is localized to your choice, and delivered in a language of your choice. The gettext method is used to translate and localize WordPress to the fullest extent.
- 끌어놓는 관리자 화면
- Weren’t a computer science major in college? No degree required, promise. Most of what users see from menus to the dynamic functionality on each page can be fully customized with simple drag-and-drop controls on the back end.
- 많은 사용자
- 회원이 많은 사이트? 문제없어. WordPress lets you define different roles for different users – just like in real life – and lets you assign privileges accordingly. Users can register themselves (if you want), and can submit content for your review.
유저가 테스트하고, 전문가가 검증하는
- 원터치 박스 기능
- WordPress provides extensive functionality right out-of-the-box and often little customization is needed to adapt the software for your unique use. Many other CMSs rely on you to hunt down, install, and configure a long-list of add-ons just to get many of the features WordPress considers core (comments, RSS feeds, revisions, etc.) and relies on developers to undertake significant coding efforts to provide the functionality you need. WordPress does the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. Why reinvent the wheel when you already have the best wheel in the world?
- 개방적이며 투명한
- WordPress is built by a dedicated community of professional developers, academics, and enthusiasts with the source code released to the world to take apart, build upon, and improve. It’s hallmark is a rapid development cycle, meaning frequent updates and always up-to-date software, all with no licensing fees or direct costs. And with an extensive international community professional support is always wherever you are.
- 그것은 너의 자료
- Some publishing platforms like to lock you in with proprietary data formats. Not here. WordPress relies on open standards to allow you to take your data with you, and even comes with tools to seamlessly import from many popular sources. It’s your data, and you should do what you want with it. We currently have importers for Movable Type, Textpattern, Greymatter, Blogger, and b2. Work on importers for Nucleus and pMachine are under way.
- 그것은 너의 소프트웨어
- WordPress is designed to be installed on your own web server, in the cloud, or in a shared hosting account. You have complete control. Unlike commercial software or third-party hosted services, you can be sure of being able to access and modify everything related to your site. You can even install WordPress on your personal computer, or on a corporate intranet.
- 오로지 하나, 그러나 수백만 사이트
- WordPress offers multi-site technology. It is the same technology that powers over 20 million sites on and global sites like CNN and the New York Times. Multi-site technology allows users to have full administrative control over their own site, without any security concerns. Each site can have its own look-and-feel (themes), its own functionality (plug-ins), and manage its own users, while at the same time, network-wide policies and security updates can be deployed at the click of a button.
- 동적 페이지의 생성
- No rebuilding of all your pages each time you update your site, or any aspect of it. All pages are generated using the database and the templates each time a page from your site is requested by a viewer. This means that updating your site, or its design is as fast as possible, and required server storage space usage is minimal.
- 템플릿 기반의 디자인
- WordPress uses templates to generate the pages dynamically. You can control the presentation of content by editing the templates using your favorite text-editor or IDE, or even the built-in Template Editor tool. Template tags make it easier to design the content and information displayed on your site. You don't need to be a PHP whiz to make your site's look-and-feel match your vision.
진짜 컨텐츠를 위한 진짜 플랫폼
- 당신의 사이트는 당신이 주인입니다
- WordPress has more than eight years of history powering stable, secure websites. Vulnerabilities are discovered quickly because of the wide user-base and dedicated open-source community, patches are rapidly developed by the dedicated security team, and often released in the span of hours from the time they are reported. WordPress comes with an integrated core-update system, so patches are deployed at the click of a mouse. WordPress sanitizes all user input, restricts URL access, has an extensive user permissioning system, and never stores passwords in an unencryptable format. WordPress uses’s 20 million users to beta test releases before they come out, so that by the time new versions are released, stakeholders can be confident in their stability.
- 광범위한 APIs
- WordPress’s core relies on its own extensive API interface (commonly known as dogfooding) which consequently allows developers to quickly and effectively customize the application to their unique needs. Many aspects of the essential WordPress experience can be overridden or modified by user-generated hooks and filters. These APIs help WordPress integrate seamlessly with existing systems, a necessity in a stove-pipe rich environments.
- 준비된 엔터프라이즈
- Any challenge the organization faces, chances are, someone else has already tackled it and provided the code free of charge. WordPress has been adapted to countless enterprise environments, and provides support for Active Directory authentication, user management, work-flow integration, and scheduled backups, among other enterprise-centric features.
- 상호 운영성
- Want to connect WordPress to another system? WordPress uses XML-RPC, an open XML standard that allows different systems in different environments to talk to one another. XML-RPC is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time allowing for complex tasks to be performed. WordPress also supports an extended version of the Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, and finally the MovableType API. You can even use clients designed for other platforms like Zempt.
- 이제껏 왜 그랬었는지 의문이 들정도로 너무 쉬운 관리
- Installing and upgrading WordPress is a piece of cake. WordPress’s famous five minute install is the envy of the industry, and with one click updates, you’ll know you always be using the best. Try it and you’ll wonder why all software isn’t this easy.
- 믿음, 그전에 확인부터
- Not everyone is evil, but keep those who are in check by limiting which html tags are kosher on your weblog. The default html tags allowed by WordPress are a sane choice to let people use html in their comments and posts, without compromising the safety of your data or server.
- 웹표준 준수... 그리고 몇가지
- The WordPress team has gone to great lengths to ensure every bit of WordPress generated code is in full compliance with the standards of the W3C. This is important not only for interoperability with today’s browser but also for forward compatibility with the tools of the next generation. Your web site is a beautiful thing, and you should demand nothing less.
- 블로그를 넘어... 좀 더 많은 기능
- Anyone who says WordPress is a mere blogging platform is covering for the fact that they haven’t been following the CMS’s explosive growth over the past couple years. Saying WordPress is only a blogging platform is like saying BMW is only a propeller manufacturer. In fact, the majority of the time, WordPress isn’t even used as a blog. With built in support for custom post types and custom taxonomies, if you can dream it, WordPress can make it a reality.
당신의 아이디어를 알리세요
- 피드
- The RSS 1.0 (aka RDF), RSS 2.0 and ATOM specifications are fully supported by WordPress, and what's more, just about any page on your site has an associated feed that your readers can subscribe to - there's a feed for the latest posts, for categories, comments, well, like we said earlier, for anything you want. The more options your readers have to keep track of different sections of your site, the easier it is for you to spread the word around the world. WordPress also fully supports RSS 2.0 with enclosures, so adding mp3 files (such as podcasts) to your RSS feeds is a snap.
- 사이트 간의 커뮤니케이션
- In an increasingly connected world, WordPress comes ready for PingBack and TrackBack, two very useful ways of connecting to other sites, and to enable them to do the same. Plus, WordPress supports pinging Ping-O-Matic, which means maximum exposure for your site to search engines.
당신의 커뮤니티를 키우세요
- 커뮤니티 구축
- WordPress is not the YMCA, but it does help build communities around sites, through the use of comments, trackbacks and pingbacks, helping you keep in touch with the audience and fostering friendship
- 댓글
- Visitors to your site can leave comments on individual entries, and through Trackback or Pingback can comment on their own site. You can enable or disable comments on a per-post basis.
- 스팸 방지
- Out of the box WordPress comes with very robust tools such as an integrated blacklist and open proxy checker to manage and eliminate comment spam on your blog, and there is also a rich array of plugins that can take this functionality a step further.
- 모든 사용자 등록
- WordPress has a built-in user registration system that (if you choose) can allow people to register and maintain profiles and leave authenticated comments on your blog. You can optionally close comments for non-registered users. There are also plugins that hide posts from lower level users.
- HTML 태그 허용
- Not everyone is evil, but keep those who are in check by limiting which html tags are kosher on your site. The default html tags allowed by WordPress are a sane choice to let people use html in their comments, without compromising the safety of your data or server.
- Moderation
- For the control freak in all of us, WordPress provides an array of moderation options. You can moderate
- all comments before they appear on the blog
- comments with specific words in them
- comments posted from specific IP addresses
- comments containing more than some specified number of links.
- All these moderation options keep spammers and vandals in check.
- Notification
- WordPress can keep you in the loop by sending you an email each time there is a new comment or a comment awaiting moderation.
라이센스, 플랫폼 그리고 철학
- 라이센스
- WordPress is licensed under the GPLv2 or later which guarantees users several freedoms:
- The freedom to run the program, for any purpose.
- The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish.
- The freedom to redistribute.
- The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others.
- 플랫폼
- PHP (5.2.4 or newer) and MySQL (5.0.2 or newer) are required. More information.
- 철학
- WordPress's development is guided by a set of unwavering principles. They are:
- Work Out of the Box
- Design for the Majority
- Decision not Options
- Clean, Lean, and Mean
- Strive for Simplicity
- Deadlines are not Arbitrary
- Be Mindful of the Vocal Minority
- The WordPress Bill of Rights