
Interested in functions, hooks, classes, or methods? Check out the new WordPress Code Reference!



WordPress 是一套具备快速、轻量、容易使用等特点的开源程序。为了保持这样的特性, 开发团队 会谨慎对待将新功能添加到 WordPress 核心代码中。然而,用户经常会需要将更多的功能添加到 WordPress 中来满足他们的需求。这个开发文档为任何希望修改、扩展或贡献 WordPress 的开发者提供指南和参考。

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尽管 WordPress 的版本发布仅由几个核心程序员进行,然而每个 WordPress 用户都可以修改 WordPress 源代码,从而使得 WordPress 能够满足高度的个性化需求。


  • 插件开发手册 - The best starting place for learning about how to develop plugins
  • WordPress Coding Standards - General information about coding standards for WordPress development
  • Debugging in WordPress - Reference and guide for using the built-in debugging system in WordPress.
  • Data Validation - A must-read for WordPress plugin authors. Describes the functions used by WordPress to validate and sanitize data. Plugin authors should be familiar with these functions and ideas.
  • Plugin Submission and Promotion - Once you have written your plugin, here are some hints on distributing it widely
  • Migrating Plugins and Themes - Contains information on how to upgrade your Plugin so it will work from version to version of WordPress
  • Function Reference - Complete PHP function reference for WordPress
  • Global Variables - A list of all global variables created by WordPress
  • Post Types - Creating new types of posts other than the posts that display on the main loop.
  • Taxonomies - Creating new types of taxonomies other than the built-in ones.
  • Reserved Terms - A list of reserved terms in WordPress.


  • Plugin API - Hooks, Actions, and Filters to use in your Plugins (version 2.1; has links to older version articles)
  • Shortcode API - A tutorial and reference for the shortcode API (new in version 2.5)
  • Dashboard Widgets API - A reference with examples for adding new widgets to the admin dashboard.
  • Settings API - A reference with examples for adding new settings to existing settings screens.
  • Options API - Details about the generic option storage system.
  • Transients API - Details about the temporary/time-constrained data storage system.
  • Widgets API - A reference with examples for creating widgets for use in sidebars.
  • Quicktags API - A reference for adding buttons to the HTML editor.
  • Rewrite API - Details about the URL rewriting API.
  • Theme Customization API - Details about the API for Theme Customization screen.
  • Filesystem API - Reference for reading and writing local files to the filesystem to be done securely, on a variety of host types.

贡献 WordPress

  • Contributing to WordPress - Main starting point if you would like to contribute to core WordPress development, documentation, support, translations, or financial health
  • Automated Testing - Testing WordPress using the automated test suite and how to use the tools and write test cases.
  • Release Philosophy - The philosophy of WordPress releases.



  • Advanced Topics - Annotated list of many articles on advanced WordPress topics
  • Query Overview - Description of the WordPress query process used to find posts and display them
  • Reporting Bugs - Information on reporting and fixing WordPress bugs
  • Using Subversion - Introduction to SVN, the source code repository used by WordPress
  • Development Team - The members of the development team.


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