If you have a question about helping with the Codex Cleanup Week, or you want to volunteer your services or make a contribution and you need more information, please post a message here.
To leave a message, click the EDIT tab above and type in your message. If you are a registered user (it's free), leave four tildes (~) after your message to sign your name. If you are not a registered user, please leave an email address so we can contact you with an answer.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Codex Cleanup Week and the ongoing efforts of the WordPress Codex. We really appreciate it. Lorelle 22:24, 10 Jun 2005 (UTC)
You can also visit the IRC #wordpress-docs channel where volunteers 'hangout' to answer questions.
I edited the Accessibility article today and would be happy to do others. Please let me know which ones to do next. Thanks, jim
I left a message with lastnode on how i could help out with his CMS article. Which section of the WordPress FAQs should I work on (that isn't already assigned)?Amory 16:40, 27 Jun 2005 (UTC)