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- Aaron Law
- Abdessamad Idrissi - General Housekeeping
- Abdullah - Arabic translation
- Alakhnor - French translation
- Nashwan Doaqan - Arabic translation
- Muhammad Abdi - Persian translation
- Ancawonka - Adding helpful sample code and transcribing answers from wp-hackers when appropriate.
- Angelo Verona - Slovak translation
- ApiDevlab
- Arlen22 - A wikipedian who has done a lot of organizing on the wikimedia sites and has Mediawiki running on his own server. He also likes making little tweaks to make wikis look nicer, and has invented a new file extension (.wmu).
- Amanda Rush - has adopted the [Installing WordPress] page and is part of the Working Group on Accessibility at [Make WordPress Accessible.]
- AskApache - Apache/Unix/Server security and feature testing
- Ben O'Neill
- Birgit Olzem - de_DE Release Manager, Validator, proof-reading, tutoring and organizing german translation team
- Bishoy.A - Documentation, Arabic Codex translation, Proud WordPress Developer
- Bravokeyl - No Specific Area.
- MerpDerp - No Specific Area.
- Boris Kuzmanov - Macedonian translation
- Goce Mitevski - Macedonian translation
- Carreg - WPMU
- Charles K. Clarkson - Editing Functions Reference pages. (Currently compiling list of global variables used in WordPress.)
- Christopher J. Hradil (talk)- Obsessive compulsive problem solver, advanced expertise in coding, css, apache, Unix, integration, xoops, etc. advanced wp user.
- Christophe SAUVEUR - French translation
- Daniel Chatfield - Core file contributor
- DavidHouse - I'm writing some developer's resources at the moment, see my user page.
- Derwin - French translation
- Dianakc (talk) - Portuguese-Brazil translation and maintenance. Obsessive compulsive in tutoring and organizing everything. Pergunte se tiver dúvidas sobre wiki.
- Diego Alonso González - Spanish translation.
- Diogo Henriques - Portuguese-Brazil translation.
- Dirk
- Doug Sparling - Developer documentation, copy editing, general documentation clean up. Code wrangler and grammar nerd.
- Eduardo Zulian - Brazilian portuguese translation
- EduardoE (spanish translation)
- Eka - Indonesian Translation
- Evelyn McDonald - documentation, editing, proofreading
- Freediver - Core documentation
- Gelihui - Chinese translation
- Geoffrey Crofte - French translation, typos and examples corrector.
- Gregory Viguier - French bug detector, core contributor.
- HEngel - mainly documenting the Function Reference, helping out on Mizzed Spellings, and making redirects for capitalization so people don't get lost
- ∴ here…♠ -- experienced with other mediawiki projects, intermediate wordpress user.
- huston - editing, instructional design
- ipsoltl - Russian Translation Codex
- Jnhghy - Core documentation, your forum helper, advanced WordPress user
- Jean-Luc SansCartier - French translation
- jonradio - Functions
- Jean-Paul Olivier - French translation
- Julien Desrosiers - Going through one function reference (english version) every day. Correcting typos and examples if needed.
- Julio Potier - Codex maintenance (french and english), correcting examples and typos. Core contributor. Ticket/trac reader and patch contributor. French translation fixer.
- kazama - Thai translation, Lao translation
- Keesiemeijer
- Ladygeek-typos,proofreading,Wordpress tutoring,general editing
- ladymacbeth9-- minor code edits, editor, spelling errors, wordpress design and general tidying up.
- Lastnode (talk) - Copyediting
- Liuming Chinese translation
- Lorelle - WordPress Lessons, General Housekeeping
- Loweek - French translation
- Luke America - Code Development and Documentation
- M7CSAT - Copyediting
- MacManX
- RoyalPokno - Khmer Translation
- Mathieu Hays - french translation
- Matthew Thomas
- Mehmet Tahta - Turkish Translation
- Motta - Chinese translation
- miahz
- MichaelH (talk)- edits, Glossary, General, Welcome
- Morgan Estes - code reference migration and copyediting
- morganiq
- Moshu
- Nicola Solimano - Italian translation
- Nawrocki (talk) - Copyediting
- Nik Cubrilovic
- Palmer-Theme Development and Frontend Web Development
- Pauli Price - Improve developer documentation of API related to plugin & theme implementation.
- Pippin Williamson - Function reference
- PotterSys - Translating to Spanish, write in English, Meetup logger
- Priceofsalt
- ringmaster
- Ramiy - Documentation on Template Tags, Function Reference, Multilingual Codex and the Hebrew Codex.
- Randy Walker - General
- Rémi Corson - French Documentation
- Resiny
- Rod Whiteley - Network, Glossary
- Ryan Duff
- serendipity
- Serge K. Keller
- SergeyBiryukov - Russian Translation
- skippy - Advanced Topics, Developer Documentation
- Sunny Ratilal - Function reference
- Spencer HIll - Codex Organization, Non-Developer Training & Documentation
- Stedi
- thiedest - French translation
- Themedaily - Chinese translation
- tailslee - Chinese translation
- Vinod Dalvi
- Westi (talk) - Spam Reverting, Change Reviewing, Importing things marked addtocodex on the forums
- Wlady97200 - French translation
- Yami McMoots - Intermediate Topics and Lessons by day, Anal Retentive Usage Maven by night.
- YannC - Pages /French-Français : "Traduction du Codex : Méthode de travail"
- Yan Ong Min - Myanmar translation
- Zhouzb889 - Chinese translation
- Michael Beckwith - Theme Development and Frontend Web Development
- Michelle - Copyediting, general documentation clean up, theme development
- Bage - Codex tamil translation and Wordpress Tamil(sl) translation.
- Mark Chen - Chinese translation
- Ricardo Moraleida - Brazilian Portuguese translation and General Documentation
- Canfas - 한국어 번역
- Ephramar - Tagalog Translation
- Alan Choi - 한국어 번역, 웹개발자.
- Chanil Park - 한국어 번역, 영어 문서와 한국어 문서 작업, 초보 개발자
- Toghou_j - Documentation, Code Development, Web Developer
- wp-buddy - German plugin developer who contributes to the codex from time to time.
- kosinix - Contributes to the docs from time to time.
- Yulianas - Documentation, Web Developer